28-TGD Peak 2 Peak

操作员 | Whistler Blackcomb |
位置 | Whistler, BC, 加拿大 |
高差 | 35,0 m |
斜长 | 4.407,0 m |
速度 | 7,5 m/s |
运量 | 2050 p/h |
Whistler Mountain, one of the biggest, most well-known ski regions in North America and venue for the Alpine competitions of the 2010 Winter Olympics, celebrated the opening of its Peak 2 Peak Gondola and the world’s longest 3S lift on December 12, 2008. The 3S lift links the two ski mountains of Whistler and Blackcomb. With a maximum speed of 7.5 m/s (= 27 km/h), the lift crosses the Fitzsimmons Valley in just 11 minutes. In the past, skiers were very hard pressed to ski both mountains in one day. Thanks to this convenient connection, however, this is an experience that guests can now enjoy to the full.
With an overall length of 4.4 km, the world’s longest rope span of 3,024 m and a maximum height above ground of 436 m, the Peak 2 Peak breaks all the records for an aerial ropeway of its kind. Up to 2,050 passengers per hour can be transported in each direction with the 28 gondolas. Each cabin is designed to carry 28 people (24 seated, 4 standing) and offers the guest an unforgettable ride experience.